  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


  • Omit<EnhancedResume, "projects" | "publications" | "skills" | "volunteer">
    • OutputResume



Optional $schema

$schema: string

link to the version of the schema that can validate the resume

Optional activities

activities: Activity[]

Optional awards

awards: { awarder?: string; date?: string; summary?: string; title?: string }[]

Specify any awards you have received throughout your professional career

Optional basics

basics: { email?: string; image?: string; label?: string; location?: { address?: string; city?: string; countryCode?: string; postalCode?: string; region?: string }; name?: string; phone?: string; profiles?: { network?: string; url?: string; username?: string }[]; summary?: string; url?: string }

Type declaration

  • [k: string]: unknown
  • Optional email?: string
  • Optional image?: string

    URL (as per RFC 3986) to a image in JPEG or PNG format

  • Optional label?: string

    e.g. Web Developer

  • Optional location?: { address?: string; city?: string; countryCode?: string; postalCode?: string; region?: string }
    • [k: string]: unknown
    • Optional address?: string

      To add multiple address lines, use . For example, 1234 Glücklichkeit Straße Hinterhaus 5. Etage li.

    • Optional city?: string
    • Optional countryCode?: string

      code as per ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-2, e.g. US, AU, IN

    • Optional postalCode?: string
    • Optional region?: string

      The general region where you live. Can be a US state, or a province, for instance.

  • Optional name?: string
  • Optional phone?: string

    Phone numbers are stored as strings so use any format you like, e.g. 712-117-2923

  • Optional profiles?: { network?: string; url?: string; username?: string }[]

    Specify any number of social networks that you participate in

  • Optional summary?: string

    Write a short 2-3 sentence biography about yourself

  • Optional url?: string

    URL (as per RFC 3986) to your website, e.g. personal homepage

Optional certificates

certificates: { date?: string; issuer?: string; name?: string; url?: string }[]

Specify any certificates you have received throughout your professional career

Optional education

education: { area?: string; courses?: string[]; endDate?: string; institution?: string; score?: string; startDate?: string; studyType?: string; url?: string }[]

Optional interests

interests: { keywords?: string[]; name?: string }[]

Optional languages

languages: { fluency?: string; language?: string }[]

List any other languages you speak

Optional meta

meta: { canonical?: string; lastModified?: string; version?: string }

The schema version and any other tooling configuration lives here

Type declaration

  • [k: string]: unknown
  • Optional canonical?: string

    URL (as per RFC 3986) to latest version of this document

  • Optional lastModified?: string

    Using ISO 8601 with YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

  • Optional version?: string

    A version field which follows semver - e.g. v1.0.0

Optional projects

projects: EnhancedProject[]

Optional references

references: { name?: string; reference?: string }[]

List references you have received

Optional skills

skills: GroupedSkill[]

Optional work

work: { description?: string; endDate?: string; highlights?: string[]; location?: string; name?: string; position?: string; startDate?: string; summary?: string; url?: string }[]

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